Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty
"Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." -John 1:3-5

Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog Topic #2

When I think of South America, I think of Brazil and the huge amount of life that inhabits there, including the people, wildlife, and plant growth. In contrast, I think of Antarctica as ice and the unlivable atmosphere. These two places seem so far away in my mind it is hard to comprehend that they are actually much closer that I realize. A normal map shows South America on the left side and Antarctica on the bottom, but my picture has Antarctica toward the top. I thought this image was very interesting. It shows that our minds can be deceiving. South America and Antarctica are very close, yet their cultures are extraordinarily different. Besides the fact that Antarctica is covered with ice, the amount of life is extremely minimal, very contrasting to the common South American picture in my mind. I find it interesting that we, as a people, can assimilate distances with respect to geographical features (at least I do). I envisioned South America and Antarctica being many miles apart, but found that they are much closer that I had imagined.

Since South America is so close to Antarctica, it shouldn’t be surprising that the Southern point would have glaciers; however, it still amazes me what God can create to be so beautiful and perfect. On the right side of the photo you can see the tectonic plates along the southern side of South America. Through these plates it is like you can see the fingerprints of God shaping the land, and I find that to be remarkable. Latin America is not just a region south of the United States, but it is a land formed by God. Whether the people know it or not, they are persons of God. The glaciers and plates are just portions showing His handiwork. >

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