Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty
"Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." -John 1:3-5

Monday, January 18, 2010

Blog Post #1

People of the United States cannot even imagine the devastation the earthquake in Haiti caused. We have a tendency of living our lives as if we are in our own little world. The attacks on 9/11 were catastrophic but the almost 3,000 victims does not even compare to the 45 to 50 thousand people that have died in Haiti. In the video, streets are filled with the fallen victims and the injured have few places to find first aid.

The earthquake has left thousands of people with nowhere to go and nothing to eat or drink. This natural disaster was so unexpected, as was the Tsunami disaster in New Orleans, that the people in this country are without any of their basic necessities. Transporting aid to New Orleans, however, had to be much easier than trying to land huge airplanes on the demolished runway on the island of Haiti. Many of the dead cannot even be identified, but merely thrown into a grave with other casualties. Numerous parents have lost their children and countless children have lost their parents. The video really opened my eyes to the pain and destruction the people of Haiti have to face. Even in this violent incident, the people of Haiti are still fighting their way through the wreckage to find the light at the end of the tunnel, to find a better ending. Hope still exists through Christ. Despite our incompetence, God is always there to help us along the way.

The look on this young child's face could break your heart. I cannot even imagine being the mother with no care to give but the hope for a better day. Great amounts of care is needed in Haiti, but in most cases the help is unable to reach everyone. Many others, like this young boy,
are at risk of obtaining an infectious disease. There is such a high number of injuries that the aid cannot keep up. The lack of first aid is likely to cause an increase in the spread of diseases and eventually more fatalities if aid is unable to reach them in time. Overall, the photo expresses the need for care not only in medical needs but also in prayer. Christ is the only one with the power to save the whole world and we are his servants, here to help serve and spread the great news of His unending love for each and every one of us.

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