Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty
"Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." -John 1:3-5

Monday, March 8, 2010

Blog Post #4

Doctors Warn of Health Threat From Chile Wreckage - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News -

February 27, 2010, disaster struck the country of Chile with a terrible earthquake. Tsunami waves crashed into the shore-line cities as the people of Chile tried to take cover. The earthquake in Chile, taking place only weeks after the destructive quake in Haiti, is causing diseases to spread through the water conditions and lack of appropriate medical care. Six days after the quake, people in Chile were still facing 6.6 magnitude aftershocks from the 8.8 magnitude earthquake.
The death toll in Haiti, however, far out-numbered the one in Chile. Reconstruction is estimated to cost $30 billion. Besides the earthquake, Chile just inaugurated a new president on March 11, Sebastian PiƱera.

The earthquake in Haiti was unexpected at the time, but not a surprise when looking at the tectonic plates. Chile is the same way. As mentioned in class, Chile is located right next to the Nazca plate that runs along the west coast of South America. The movement of the plate disrupts the ground and causes it to shift and shake causing much destruction throughout the land. In Chile, the quake also caused tsunami waves to wash into the cities. This water that washed ashore is only adding to the spread of disease throughout the people. Doctors located there are having trouble aiding to everyone with the aftershocks recurring a week after the earthquake. Although Chile is a developed country, tragedies like this can have a huge effect on the population.

The country of Chile is not very large having a population of just over 16 million people (in 2007). The percent of urban living, however, is 88 percent.
The northern part of Chile is a desert, adding to the fact that most of the Chile population lives in urban areas. When the earthquake hit the city of ConcepciĆ³n, many people were affected. Chile, a country that is usually sending aid to other countries was, this time, receiving rescue aid and relief. Chile is looking for the necessities first, like mental health care for the earthquake survivors, removing trash from the city streets, providing drinking water and shelter. God will provide for His people, we are all in His hands.

It is interesting that the Haiti earthquake was much more publicized than the one in Chile. I guess the fact that Chile is a developed country makes a big difference. The high death rate in Haiti compared to Chile also made a difference. Haiti lost thousands of people in the earthquake where as Chile has lost a mere 500 in comparison. However, since Chile is developed, the ability for them to step back up from the disaster is a far greater chance than the country of Haiti. The magnitude is not the only factor when rating earthquakes. The development of the country and total population also play a roll. Not only is Haiti trying to recover from an earthquake, but Chile is also; Haiti's recovery just might take a little longer. God works through everyone and He would never throw something our way if He didn't think we can handle it. Just pray!

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