Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty
"Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." -John 1:3-5

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blog Post #8

Even before I started taking this geography class, I wanted to travel. Now, after seeing so many amazing snapshots from other parts of the world, I want to travel even more. This video caught my eye with all the glorious views of the outdoors. Most people today know New Zealand as the home of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but this video shows the land in a different viewpoint: the outdoors.

I love bicycling and hiking, and I would love to go kayaking down a river; however, these are only some of the activities you can do. Numerous amounts of exotic animals fill the country that you can swim with and or watch, including dolphins, whales, seals, and even penguins. Bubbling mud also occupies a portion of the land where there is still volcanic activity. Auckland, located in the North island, contains much of the population, but also includes more boats per person than any other city. The large number of boats provides tourists with a chance to go sailing as well. From beaches to snowy alps, New Zealand has a wonderful variety of scenery.

Taking the time to travel gives a person the chance to see the wonderful world God has made. Visiting these foreign lands can also remove us from our own lives and give a chance to relax and meditate on other things. The wonderful outdoors and few amount of people in the South island of New Zealand sets up a delightful atmosphere for tourists, let alone a world of activities to take part in. New Zealand's culture is acutely different from ours. Christchurch, located in the South island, was colonized by the British and is sometimes referred to as the most English city outside of England. The Kiwian people, called that after the native bird, the Kiwi, have an interesting religion oriented much toward nature. The geography, the religion, and many other aspects shape the New Zealand culture.

Traveling is a great way to see other cultures up close. Although I know I do not have to travel to do activities like the ones mentioned, I would have the chance to see the world while doing the things that I love to do. Besides New Zealand, there are many other parts of the world I would love to visit also. After college, I hope to take the time to take a trip to far away lands and see the world through new eyes; not only to lands in foreign places, but also places here in the United States. This journey, however, starts here in Nebraska, my homeland.

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