Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty
"Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." -John 1:3-5

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blog Post #10

Throughout my life, my mother has always told me I am a picky eater. On the other hand, I like to eat...a lot! My diet, however, consists of fairly plain foods. The taste is not usually what makes me cringe when trying exotic foods, but the smell of the ingredients. If I cannot get past the smell of the platter in front of me, my tasting the meal is less than likely. The foods I eat, though, are much different, and probably seem strange, to people from other countries. Although my diet is normal for the average Nebraska farming family, persons from China would have a hard time getting used to the huge chunk of beef, potatoes, and corn as their main meal for the day.

Eating out is beginning to be a natural pastime for American families. All the fast food restaurants, Chinese buffets, mongolian grills, Japanese cuisines, and countless others support the globalization in America. Even though these dining places claim ethnicity, they are merely Americanized versions. After visiting a foreign country, many people have said that the food we think is authentic is solely an illusion. The food, in all reality, is much different and often much better than we thought. A pastor from Hong Kong who spoke at our church talked about the food. He said just don't ask what is in it; just eat it if you like it and leave it at that. He also said, when eating at someone's house, it is impolite to clean your plate because that would mean they didn't make enough food. Therefore, if you don't like the entree after tasting a bite, simply rub your stomach and plead "Oh so full!"

Overall, I think that the differing diets are mostly caused by the difference in culture and the geography of the land. The people eat what is available to them in their country. Accessibility is the main issue. As globalization continues to grow, more and more of the foods we eat here in America will be available in foreign countries as well. Same with the foreign countries, their foods and cultures will continue to mix within America and may someday change our "normal" eating habits. McDonald's has already become globalized. They can be found in numerous countries worldwide, as can various other restaurants.

What we eat and where we live coincide. Our culture can determine those aspects. From our parents to our children, we continue to grow and change. Our diets fluctuate as we age, but some things will never change. My family, my past, and my God will never change, but stay the same for eternity.

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