Eyjafjallajökull was an unknown town in Iceland to most Americans until the volcano near the site began to erupt. The volcano is thought to have began erupting on March 20, 2010, but the cloud of ash that is hovering over the country now took affect on April 14. The eruption is causing many complications worldwide. The location of the volcano is fairly convenient since is is surrounded by water, but the effects it will cause on the sea life will be fatal. The huge cloud of ash is not just hovering over the country either; the enormous cloud is moving toward Europe and the United Kingdom affecting their economies as well.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Blog Post #12
Eyjafjallajökull was an unknown town in Iceland to most Americans until the volcano near the site began to erupt. The volcano is thought to have began erupting on March 20, 2010, but the cloud of ash that is hovering over the country now took affect on April 14. The eruption is causing many complications worldwide. The location of the volcano is fairly convenient since is is surrounded by water, but the effects it will cause on the sea life will be fatal. The huge cloud of ash is not just hovering over the country either; the enormous cloud is moving toward Europe and the United Kingdom affecting their economies as well.
Blog Post #11
When visiting the website for Concordia International School Shanghai, I found a lot of interesting facts about the school and the country. The school itself accepts children in all grades from preschool through high school. Over the years, the school has continued to grow. Since they opened the school in 1998, they have gone from having 22 students to over 1,000 and hope to continue growing as the years pass by.
Being admitted into the school does take a little more than just an application, however. Everything comes at a price and here, the prices are pretty steep. Tuition for attending this Concordia in Shanghai is about like attending any Concordia here in the states...expensive. Reaching above $28,000 shows that there are some wealthier people in the country that value their children's education to the extent that they would want to send them to this school despite the cost. With that as well, China doesn't have many options for education as we do in the United States. The parents know what they are doing when they send their children to Concordia Shanghai. Growing in your faith with Jesus Christ through your education in such a country allows from more and more disciples to share the good news.
The development of this school is such a great way to witness in foreign countries. Using our gifts in educating and spreading the love encourages others to join. The teachers at the school appear to be making great efforts in reflecting the light of Christ. With the increasing number of students, there also needs to be an increasing number of teachers to keep that one on one basis applicable. To enhance students learning, the class sizes are limited so the teachers are not overwhelmed and are allowed that time for one on one reflection. The students are there to learn and the teachers are there to be good examples for their students. Besides their individual subjects, the instructors also teach values like integrity, respect, responsibility, and service. The students are encouraged to learn and want to learn so they can continue to grow in all areas of life.
As an education major, I was interested in teaching in a foreign country. Although my first thought was Tanzania, I think teaching in China would be an incredible experience. Besides the different language, food, religious practices, and atmosphere, the way of life the Chinese people have compared to Americans would be intriguing to experience first hand. They see things from a different view that would make me think about my priorities and what really mattered to me. I have heard that people who taught in foreign countries and then returned to the U.S. found that we do not appreciate our education like the children of other countries do. They see their education as a gift whereas we see it as something our parents make us do so we can go to college and eventually get a job. While looking through the website, I found a list of the teachers' salaries. I was extremely surprised at the numbers. I never expected a Lutheran school teacher to be making more in China than they do here. To start out making over 40 grand would be crazy as a teacher in the United States. Being able to get hired there is a different story, though. The teachers' average years of experience is 14 years and 60% of the teaching staff has a master's degree or higher. The job opportunity is still there for college graduates though, and being able to witness your faith to people in a foreign country would be an amazing and worthwhile experience.
As Lutherans and other religions send out missionaries to other countries, our globalizing world continues to change. The set cultures begin to mix and adapt to new beliefs and as time passes, the whole thing can evolve to be something very different from what it started out to be. The small Concordia International School is only a step into the globalizing world. The people at Shanghai see it as their calling to be teaching the students at Concordia. Maybe with time, I will know what I should do with my abilities.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Blog Post #10
Friday, April 23, 2010
Blog Post #9
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Blog Post #8
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Blog Post #7
I visited Katie and her husband last summer for a youth retreat at St Paul. The trip was a blast! It was incredibly warm, though. The weatherman even cautioned people from going outside for more than ten minutes at a time. McAllen is known as the hottest location in Texas. The city lies in the Texas Valley with annual temperatures in the mid-70s. Besides warm temperatures, however, Texas also encounters quite a few tornadoes averaging 153 per year. Parts of Texas also face hurricanes occasionally. Although Katie had been in tornado situations before, facing a hurricane in September of 2008 was a new experience. It is interesting to see how the climate in an area can influence a person's understanding of the world.
Spring break would have been pretty sweet on the beach in south Texas, I only wish it were true! Instead of soaking up the sun or feeling the sand on my feet, I was in Nebraska tackling the inclement weather
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Blog Post #6
Stated in this video, Muslims are instructed to take a pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah), Saudi Arabia, which was where the prophet Muhammad and the Muslim religion were born. The pilgrimage is called the Hajj, which all Muslims with good health and sufficient funds are supposed to complete at least once in their life. It surprises me to hear that less than 10 percent of all Muslims actually make the pilgrimage since, in the photo, there are around two million people. During the Hajj, the Muslim nation is directed to walk around the Ka'ba shrine seven times along with various other tasks.
The Muslim religion is predominantly in Middle Eastern countries including Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, and many more. Indonesia, however, is the largest Muslim country by population containing around 15 percent of the world's Muslims. When people mention Muslims, one of our first instincts is to think of the Arab population. The speaker, Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb noted that most of the Muslim population is not even from Arab countries and vice versa. The fact that most of Saudi Arabia is mostly Islamic really affects the culture, especially in the city of Mecca.
The religious beliefs and customs for the Islamic people really affect the overall culture in the area. Mecca is the Holy Land for Muslims where no one else is allowed to enter the Ihram, because it is the spiritual state of purity the Muslims enters when going to the Ka'ba. The video describes just how important the Hajj is to Muslims and through the video you can see how serious some of the Muslims take their beliefs. Besides the Hajj, the Islam religion has four other pillars the Muslims are supposed to follow including the belief in Allah, praying five times a day while facing Mecca, charitable donations, and fasting during Ramadan. Muslims who follow each of these five pillars must be extremely devoted. Each day of following the five pillars affects how the Muslim people would act and look at life. The strictness of the religion can affect the decisions the followers of Islam make. For example, according to our textbook, Muslims are prohibited from drinking alcohol and instructed to lead moderate lives. Also, there are two types of Muslims that differ culturally. The Sunni dominate with 73 percent of the region's Muslims and the Shiites carry 23 percent. The differences between the two are in how power is passed on. The Shiites favor the passing of power through Muhammad's own family, where as the Sunnis uphold the passing of power through established clergy. Overall, the religion in the Southwest Asia and North African region really affects the culture throughout the land.